Skip to content 17 Luglio 2024Saccenti, D., Moro, A. S., Sassaroli, S., Malgaroli, A., Ferro, M., & Lamanna, J. (2024). Neural correlates of metacognition: Disentangling the brain circuits underlying prospective and retrospective second‐order judgments through noninvasive brain stimulation. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 102(4), e25330.
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17 Luglio 2024Tenti, M., Raffaeli, W., Fontemaggi, A., & Gremigni, P. (2024). The relationship between metacognition, anger, and pain intensity among fibromyalgia patients: A serial mediation model. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 29(4), 791-808.
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17 Luglio 2024Aydın, O., Ünal-Aydın, P., Caselli, G., Kolubinski, D. C., Marino, C., & Spada, M. M. (2022). Psychometric validation of the desire thinking questionnaire in a Turkish adolescent sample: Associations with internet gaming disorder. Addictive Behaviors, 125, 107129.
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17 Luglio 2024Gao, L., Wang, X., Caselli, G., Li, W., Liu, Q., Chu, X., & Chen, H. (2023). Psychometric validation of the Chinese version of the desire thinking questionnaire in adolescent mobile phone users. Addictive Behaviors, 142, 107651.
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17 Luglio 2024Mansueto, G., Jarach, A., Caselli, G., Ruggiero, G. M., Sassaroli, S., Nikčević, A., … & Palmieri, S. (2024). A systematic review of the relationship between generic and specific metacognitive beliefs and emotion dysregulation: A metacognitive model of emotion dysregulation. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 31(1), e2961
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27 Maggio 2024Prunetti, E., Framba, R., Barone, L., Fiore, D., Sera, S., Liotti, G. (2008). Attachment disorganization and borderline patients’ metacognitive responses to therapists’ expressed understanding of their states of mind: A pilot study. Psychotherapy Research, 18, 28 – 36.
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27 Maggio 2024Caselli, G., Bortolai, C., Leoni, M., Rovetto, F. & Spada M.M. (2010). Aspettative, Credenze Metacognitive e Uso di Alcool. Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale, 16(1), 25-38.
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27 Maggio 2024Nikčević, A.V., Caselli, G., Wells, A., Spada, M.M. (2015). Metacognition about Smoking Questionnaire, Development and psychometric properties. Addictive Behaviours, 44, 71-79.
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