Skip to content 27 Maggio 2024Martino, F., Caselli, G., Fiabane, E., Felicetti, F., Trevisani, C., Menchetti, M., Mezzaluna, C., Sassaroli, S., Albery, I. P., & Spada, M. M. (2019). Desire thinking as a predictor of drinking status following treatment for alcohol use disorder: A prospective study. Addictive Behaviors, 95, 70-76.
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27 Maggio 2024Marino, C., Caselli, G., Lenzi, M., Vieno, A., Nikcevic, A. V., & Spada, M. M. (2018, April). Emotion Regulation and Desire Thinking as Predictors of Problematic Facebook Use. In Journal of behavioural addictions (Vol. 7, pp. 110-111). Prielle KU 19, PO BOX 245, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary: Akademiai Kiado RT
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27 Maggio 2024Caselli, G., Fernie, B., Canfora, F., Mascolo, C., Ferrari, A., Antonioni, M., … & Altieri, A. (2018). The Metacognitions about Gambling Questionnaire: Development and psychometric properties. Psychiatry Research.
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27 Maggio 2024Caselli, G., Gemelli, A., Ferrari, C., Beltrami, D., Offredi, A., Ruggiero, G. M., … & Spada, M. M. (2020). The effect of desire thinking on facilitating beliefs in alcohol use disorder: An experimental investigation. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy.
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27 Maggio 2024Mansueto, G., Martino, F., Palmieri, S., Scaini, S., Ruggiero, G. M., Sassaroli, S., & Caselli, G. (2019). Desire Thinking across addictive behaviours: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Addictive Behaviors, 98(Epub)
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27 Maggio 2024Marino, C., Caselli, G., Lenzi, M., Monaci, M. G., Vieno, A., Nikcevic, A. V., & Spada, M. M. (2019). Emotion regulation and desire thinking as predictors of problematic Facebook use. Psychiatric Quarterly, ahead of print, 1-7.
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27 Maggio 2024Marino C., Melodia F., Pivetta E., Mansueto G., Palmieri S., Caselli G., Canale N., Vieno A., Conti F., Spada M. M. (2022). Desire thinking and craving as predictors of problematic Internet pornography use in women and men. Addictive Behaviors, Volume 136, January 2023, 107469
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